Repair Examples
We’ve seen many many devices over the years, and have had great success in repairing them. A lot of our repairs are damage to ports, such as headphone jacks, USB port, HDMI ports, fan connectors, speed controllers, car key fobs with broken switches, etc. Provided we can find the part to solder on, we can fix it. Ports are key points of weakness in electronic devices, and these can be poorly soldered or weak from the factory. In most cases these can be replaced on the board, bringing the device back to life.
A lot of our other work comes from liquid damaged devices, or those where an item has been incorrectly taken apart or a connector forced. Bad capacitors also can often cause a device to short circuit and to fail to turn on, and wiring in points of motion can become worn and break connection. If you’ve got a device you’d like us to take a look at please contact us or book a job.
Previous Repairs
Below are a small selection of actual devices we’ve repaired.
A PlayStation 4 with a damaged HDMI port, we replaced it with a new part and back to life!

Volvo Climate Control
The thermistor for the climate control on a Volvo dashboard was snapped in half - repaired as good as new!

Hard Drive SATA Connector
The power pins had snapped. We harvested a connector from a donor drive, and got it working!

Powakaddy Golf Trolley
A point of weakness in these golf trolleys is the most used part - the switch. This is a rotary encoder which breaks frequently.

Broken SSD Connector
The customer had damaged the drive while extracting it, and did not have a backup of the data it contained. We were able to solder jumper wires (as a temporary fix to extract their data).

Broken Fan Connector
The customer managed to completely remove the socket that the fan plugs into on this device. We were able to salvage a compatible connector, and resurrect the device.

BMW Key Fob
One button not working due to a damaged/removed switch. We quickly re-soldered another microswitch, saving the customer over £300 compared to the cost of a replacement.

Snapped USB Memory Stick
Snapped USB memory stick. Temporarily fixed (with ugly but functional wires) to extract the valuable customer data.

iMac Sensor Connector
Customer managed to completely ruin the sensor connection on the motherboard. We were able to salvage a compatible connector, and resurrect the device.

iMac Display Connector
An iMac where the screen has been removed incautiously, and the display connector damaged, is something we see a lot of. Here is one we have repaired.

Mac Mini IR Sensor
Another common issue. A Mac Mini connector ripped off the motherboard, when the machine was opened too vigorously. A simple fix if you have the parts!

Cracked Capacitor
It is super common for this type of tantalum capacitor to fail. This one showed a crack in it, which made locating the fault easy. Caution had to be taken to avoid damaging the connector above the capacitors with hot air.